

“Why Antitrust Authorities Meddle in Matters that do not Concern Them”, Aidyn Bikebayev’s Article in Forbes

Aidyn Bikebayev, Senior Partner of Sayat Zholshy & Partners, has written an article on the reform of antitrust regulations.

Adjusting Kazakhstan laws to the OECD standards is the keynote of the article.  However, there is much more to be done:

1. Antitrust authorities should fight causes of monopolies and not consequences thereof through the elimination of systemic problems in the key sectors of national economy.  Until very recently, antitrust authorities were busy mainly with the protection of consumers’ rights rather than competition itself.  The number of local problems is enormous and the resources of antitrust authorities are too scarce to resolve such problems.

2. Antitrust authorities should not unreasonably and thoughtlessly infringe upon the fundamental principle of market economy – the freedom of entrepreneurial activity.

To see the full text of the article please click here.