Senior Partner
Attorney at Law
Head of Nur-Sultan office
Practice area:
+7 (7172) 797 707
• Interdepartmental Law-drafting Commission of the Kazakhstan Government• National Council on Corporate Governance at the Presidium of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs
• Kazakhstan International Arbitration (arbitrator)
• Kazakhstan Lawyers’ Union, Supervisory Board member
• Almaty City Bar
For a number of years, Arman has been annually recommended by various international rating agencies, including Chambers and Partners, Legal500, asialaw Profiles, IFLR 1000, Who's Who Legal and other, who highly evaluate Arman’s achievements, for example:
“Arman Berdalin wins prise for his sound corporate and M&A experience. He has made a mark in this field both as a lawyer and as a scholar. Interviewees are impressed with his determination, organizational skills and flair at presenting matters”.
As a head of the Nur-Sultan SZP office Arman maintains ongoing contact with quasi-government companies. In this sector, SZP contributed to such projects as out-reach to shareholders of second-tier banks (BTA, Alliance Bank and Temirbank), acquisition of shares in mining companies, and restructuring of national companies. Arman also managed the project for legal support of newly established Kazakhstan Integrated Centre for Coordination of Special Economic Zones.
Arman is also experienced in dealing with international development institutions. Over three years, Arman represented SZP in an IFC project (World Bank Group member) aimed to improve corporate governance in Kazakhstan. Moreover, Arman led an SZP project for provision of services to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in an effort to review and reform Kazakhstan joint stock company legislation.
Arman is not only a renowned lawyer – he is also a social activist. For example, he successfully initiated, together with other leading Kazakhstan lawyers, a public association of Kazakhstan commercial lawyers – Kazakhstan Bar Association (KazBar) – which is the only professional association of lawyers in Kazakhstan admitted to the International Bar Association. Arman has been admitted to the Interdepartmental Law-drafting Commission of the Kazakhstan Government. In this role Arman is actively involved in consideration of new law concepts and development of law-drafting plans.
Summarising the above, we can conclude that Arman has been coordinating the Firm’s efforts to forge relationships with development institutions (IFC, EBRD), government authorities (National Bank and sector-specific ministries), quasi-government sector (Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund JSC, Baiterek National Management Holding JSC, and KazAgro National Management Holding JSC), National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, Association of Kazakhstan Financiers and second-tier banks.
Arman regularly makes presentations at conferences both inside and outside Kazakhstan, and conducts seminars and workshops on the most pressing legal and practical issues (e.g. Samruk-Kazyna Corporate University, and Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research). Arman also gives open and in-house seminars for such major market players as Philip Morris Kazakhstan, KazMunayGas and other.
Kazakhstan National Law Academy, Business Law, 2000.